There is a big street parade in Zurich today, so I had planned to go away! Someone who was here last year said it was incredibly noisy with lots of Techno music blaring.
However, I decided to have another quieter day. I needed to do some laundry (again!) pick up some shirts from the dry cleaners and return a couple of items to shops.
Returning stuff to shops here is a doddle – they don’t argue or give you hassle – just give you money back. Even if you have paid on a debit card, they give you cash back.
My bit of culture shock today was trying to find a washing up bowl! They just don’t seem to use them. The closest I found was a plastic bowl that goes in the sink, but it had holes in the bottom. Keep looking!
Had a nice lunch at the Migros restaurant just up the street. Quite reasonable and was cooked nicely.
Update. I discovered a thing that I had assumed was an attachment for a vacuum cleaner is actually a plug for the kitchen sink. My frustrations over having to wash stuff under running water are now resolved! I probably don’t need a plastic washing up bowl.
Forgot to say the other day that I had a nice phone call from a lady at the bank, apologising for all of the hassle I have had. She said they would like to send me a small gift and asked if I would prefer chocolates or flowers! I said a couple of ounces of gold would be fine, but alas, I suspect her sense of humour was not very well developed! I suspect I will end up with a box of chocolates!