End of week 1

A funny week in many ways, culminating with an office move. We had to pack up all our belongings into crates today – three of us barely filled one crate with odds and ends that we have accumulated. Our new office is apparently nice – they have told me that we get free coffee there. I’ll believe it when I see it! On the negative, there will be no staff canteen, so I am not sure what I will do about a midday meal. Although the canteen is only subsidised for permanent (not contract) employees, I do think it is cheaper than eating in a normal restaurant. On the other hand, perhaps I have not found the more affordable restaurants. I know there is an Italian place near to where my new apartment is, but I don’t know how expensive it is, or how good and varied the food is. I am sure I will manage!

We were set for a slightly early departure from the office, but in the end, the movers came at about 4:30, so we had to leave. If all goes according to plan, we will find all our bits transported to the new office ready for us to start on Monday.

This weekend is a big festival in Zurich, which happens only every 3 years. They will have loads of entertainment, and fireworks each night at 10:30. I will probably go down to sample the atmosphere, but I am not sure whether I will manage a train journey this weekend or not as well. They are expecting 2 million visitors to the festival, so it will be heaving, but could be quite fun as well.

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