Monthly Archives: July 2007

Church…. Made it!

Checked the Vineyard church website last night and found that the service this morning was in a different place – actually nearer to Kloten where I am staying, but a two train journey to get there. Service was at 10:30, … Continue reading

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Wrong train!

I finally got an answer back from the transport company about the bus driver who wanted to charge me last weekend. Sure enough, there is a “Z” note on that route in their timetable, which means there is a surcharge. … Continue reading

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Just back from Zurich watching the fireworks. I caught the 9:20 train from Kloten and then walked down Bahnhoffstrasse to the shores of the lake with hundreds of others. Near the lake, the road was pedestrianised and loads of stands … Continue reading

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End of week 1

A funny week in many ways, culminating with an office move. We had to pack up all our belongings into crates today – three of us barely filled one crate with odds and ends that we have accumulated. Our new … Continue reading

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I have a Swiss Bank Account!!!

Started this morning with a trip to the registry office. Fairly painless really…. they ask you lots of questions, then print out the answers in German and ask you to sign! I had to pay a registration tax of 20 … Continue reading

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Still not quite there…..

I think I nearly have everything set up on my PC now to be able to do some real work. I am encouraged that everything is coming together, but frustrated that I find something else missing for each step I … Continue reading

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Almost there……

You will recall that I was not hopeful of getting logged into my PC until tomorrow. Well, imagine my surprise and delight when they told me it would be today! Sure enough, throughout the day, we have made steady progress … Continue reading

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On the job – well almost!

Arrived at Credit Suisse in the rain, and found my day to day manager was not in today. Never mind, another man kindly collected me from reception and introduced me to Attilla who is my line manager. After a nice … Continue reading

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Today’s journey

So after my broken night (see previous post) I woke again at 7. My fault this time – I had set the alarm clock so that I would be up and about to make the most of a free day. … Continue reading

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Woken at midnight

Was quite a while going to sleep last night, and had just drifted off into a blissful doze when I was awoken by the most unusual noise. At first I tried to ignore it, but it went on and on, … Continue reading

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