Category Archives: Swiss

After work party

Today was the day I was invited to my employment agency for a little party, along with all the other new contractors. Quite a good number, considering what a small company they are. Got a nice goody bag containing mouse … Continue reading

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Wednesday evening

So the German for Magnesium Sulphate Cream is Magnesiumsulfatcreme! However, when I asked for this at the chemist they looked a bit blank. She was able to sell me an alternative antibacterial cream and some plasters. Lots of rain in … Continue reading

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Watch problems

Yesterday I noticed that my watch had some condensation inside the glass, and then I noticed a small crack in the glass. Probably going swimming in the watch wasn’t such a great idea! I think the glass has been damaged … Continue reading

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Later.. Sunday…. nothing broken!

Step 1. Learn how to put on skates. That’s easy – no problem Step 2. Learn how to stand up with skates on. A little harder, but I think we have that licked! Step 3. Learn how to balance by … Continue reading

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Swim and trip

I decided that this was my day for another swim, but wanted to go for a trip as well. So I decided to combine the two! I looked on the map and found a small lake about an hour away … Continue reading

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A family of Arabs and an Indian taxi driver

I decided to go for a little ride to Uetliberg this evening. Some people from church told me it is very beautiful there. It’s only a short ride from here – the same train line as I use to get … Continue reading

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Kissen und banken

No epic journeys today! Decided to have a nice quiet day, sorting out some bits and pieces. Have been to buy some pillows. They were on half price – still a fearful price, but we need them. Also got some … Continue reading

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Pay day

This morning before work I decided to go to the office in Zurich to register. Amazing that they don’t have a centralised system here. Every time you move from one district to another you have to un-register and then re-register. … Continue reading

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A whole new direction to work

It was lovely being able to set my alarm for 7:15 this morning, and know that I could still be in work for 8! I also slept much better last night. My walk to work was uneventful except for the … Continue reading

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The end of the move

Didn’t sleep terribly well last night – I think it was just being in a new place. Also the road past the apartment is a little busier than I thought. I guess I will get used to that too. Less … Continue reading

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